Custom Solutions with InvitAss Storage Wall (32)

Custom Build InvitAss Server Rack Solution
We were presented with an enormous challenge by our customer, whom wanted to house two full server racks on the floor, but wanted them to look like the main storagewall cupboards we had supplied and installed for them.
With the full assistance and co-operation of Assmann, we designed a solution using as many standard panels as possible. We effectively sandwiched the two racks between two cupboards with the centre panels modified to suit.

Completed Cupboards With Racks Inside
Normally these cupboards are built in the factory and arrive fully assembled, with the panels glued and doweled.
However as the racks were in position, the cupboards were supplied in component form and we custom-built them on site. It was a fantastic accomplishment and one which we are very proud of.

Side Opening Tambour Cupboards on Special InvitAss Cupboards
This customised solution shows Assmann's side opening tambour door cupboards built on a base of special double door cupboards.
Why are they special? Firstly they are extra deep. But most impressively, they don't have a base. We designed them as a solution for the storage of very heavy engine parts which have been received on small trollies.
The doors are opened, and the trollies can simply be rolled inside. Obviously there is significant weight on these base cupboards, and strength and stability was assured by using a series of spanning tops to spread the weight and by fixing the side panels to the floor.

Special Cupboards For Roll-In Storage
The doors are opened, and the trollies can simply be rolled inside. Obviously there is significant weight on these base cupboards, and strength and stability was assured by using a series of spanning tops to spread the weight and by fixing the side panels to the floor.

Goods In Reception Counter Built From InvitAss Cupboards
This Goods In department handles the receipt of expensive and often heavy components.
We designed and installed this solution using standard InvitAss storagewall cupboards and combined it with spanning tops, one of which we modified to provide the lift up access flap.